Awilda Sterling-Duprey performed . . . blindfolded during the installation of the 2022 Biennial.


Awilda Sterling-Duprey performed . . . blindfolded during the installation of the 2022 Biennial. Sterling-Duprey’s dance-drawings, a series of works begun in 2020, involve her blindfolding herself to make intense jittery, abstract marks on paper and walls in response to jazz improvisation. Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet as It’s Kept (April 6–September 5, 2022) is co-organized by David Breslin, DeMartini Family Curator and Director of Curatorial Initiatives, and Adrienne Edwards, Engell Speyer Family Curator and Director of Curatorial Affairs, with Gabriel Almeida Baroja, Curatorial Project Assistant, and Margaret Kross, former Senior Curatorial Assistant. Learn more about Sterling-Duprey’s performance at…. Learn more about the 2022 Biennial at…. Video by Oresti Tsonopoulos Filmed by Alex Munro and Jack Pearce Edited by Nick Schiarizzi #WhitneyBiennial #AwildaSterlingDuprey #PerformanceArt

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